Forum "Arena"


It's nice to know that my work does not go unnoticed. After all, the more people get acquainted with books or games about Drakia, the more of them will think about the fate of dragons and, who knows, maybe they will feel all the monstrous injustice of their lot.

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Convention "STAR BRIDGE"

Kharkov, 2001

Victory at the Star Bridge Convention

From September 13th to 16th, 2001, in Ukraine, in Kharkov, there was an international fantasy festival “Star Bridge 2001” is one of the largest rallies in the territory of the former USSR. Among the invited writers, in addition to Oldey, Dyachenko, Lukyanenko, Savchenko, Gromov, Skyryuk, Bessonov, Zlotnikov, Zorich and dozens of others, there was also a certain Draco Lockhard from Tbilisi 🙂
. I flew toStar Bridge“, mainly to communicate with colleagues and make new acquaintances - it seemed to me that it didn’t make much sense to hope for victory in the nominations: there were too many applicants, and the names were too loud. However, on the evening of September 15, to my joy and amazement, in the presence of hundreds of writers and guests of the festival, Dmitry Gromov and Oleg Ladyzhensky announced the results of the vote, and “Dragon's Wrath" became "Best Debut Book” 2000. It's nice, damn it! :))) In addition, I met wonderful people - Dmitry Skyryuk, Elena Dolgova, Vladimir Arenev, the Zorich duet and many others, talked with the most famous writers and critics ... In general, I had a great time 😉


Magazine "IGROMANIA"

Moscow, 2002

Victory in the competition of the magazine "Igromania"

The science fiction writer hiding under the pseudonym J. Lockhart, a resident of the capital of Georgia - the city of Tbilisi - rightfully takes the first place. His script is even more than a masterpiece. This is one large interactive book that tells about the adventures of two dragons. The plot is non-linear and insanely beautiful, the design is on top, it's not just interesting to play, but very interesting. First place without any talk. This is a classic for many years. This is the card that every self-respecting amateur should play.”Heroes“. Hats off to all editors. Bravo to the winner!


…No, this is not Draco’s star fever attack, 🙂 this is quite an official review on the magazine’s website “gambling addiction“. The fact is that in the summer-autumn of 2002, the magazine held a big competition for the best script for the game “Heroes of Might and Magic IV“. The competition aroused the liveliest interest, and no wonder - a home cinema was promised as a prize for the first place. Cambridge SoundWorks 510D worth over $400! The competition received over 380 entries from around the world, including a certain Draco's first experience in creating a map for Heroes. Well what can I say? Home theater is really great. 🙂 Right now, while working on this page, I am listening to beautiful music “Deliriumand think of dragons. When I created the game, of course, I hoped to win, but the main reason was - as in everything I do - the desire to protect the dragons. It's great to know that my work doesn't go unnoticed.


Publishing house "BUKA"

Moscow, 2002

Victory in the competition "Buki"

Winning the competitiongambling addiction" adventures Dragons of Might and Magic not finished 🙂 A few months later, the map was included in the list of 22 best scenarios for Heroes throughout the existence of this series of games. Alas, this time my dragons got only the third place, but given that the number of applicants went off scale for a thousand ... (!!!) In the section “Games & Software” is written in detail about the reasons that prompted me to create this map. I must say that a resounding success “Dragons of Might and Magic(not to say otherwise - the pirates even released my campaign on a separate disc, for some reason called ... "The Lord of the Rings") spilled like a real balm on my wounds, which were sparged by the damned 3DO craft. I dreamed of such success for years, but did not believe that I would actually achieve it. “How good it is to make mistakes in this life ...” 🙂


"Union of Webmasters of Russia"

Moscow, 2004

Drakia 8 - Best Flash Site 2004

In 2004, Union of Webmasters of Russia solemnly presented me with a diploma for the victory in the nomination "Best Flash Site". 8th version of "Dracia" went around everyone 🙂


"Ragged Warmer - 2003"

Runet, 2003

Silver at the competition "Ragged Warmer - 2003"

And another victory! Tale "Anthill” won silver at the famous online competition “48 hours” (“Torn Warmer“), ahead of 115 participants and only a few points behind the story of Leonid Kaganov, the author of the incomparable “Epic Predator“, which I consider to be one of the best fantasy stories I have ever seen in my life. (Cm. "library" V "Treasury of the Dragon“). By the way, "Epic of Predator” was named best sf story of the year on “Wanderer“, and I am heartily happy for Kaganov. 🙂


"Moscow KLF - 2004"

Moscow, 2004

Competition "Moscow KLF"

Tale "... And there was light” became one of the winners of one of the most prestigious Runet contests - the contest Moscow KLF.


Literary conference "Murchat"

Runet, 2003

First place in a literary competition

Tale "... And there was light”won first place in the Popular Conference Literature Competition”Murchat“.


Award "Golden Nut - 2008"

Site CDRRHQ.RU, 2008

Award "Golden Nut - 2008"

I became the best writer of 2008 in the fandom of fans of the series “Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers" Online


Award "Golden Nut - 2010"

Site CDRRHQ.RU, 2010

Award "Golden Nut - 2010"

In 2010, I again became the best writer of the year in the fandom of fans of the series “Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers" Online


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