The main cycle about dragons, which combines several fantastic stories and novels connected by a common world.
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Dragon's Wrath
The first and main book of the Dictators series, the history of Drakia began with it. The novel tells about the flight of a research starship to the planet Rynn, which is very similar to the well-known fantasy fans Krynn. Only, this time, the eyes of dragons will follow the eternal battle of light and darkness. Eyes full of pain and bitterness...
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Black Sun Rising
The second book in the cycle. This time, the action takes place on the planet next to Rynn, the cruel and wild Worre. New heroes are waiting for new adventures, but powerful guests from the stars will no longer arrive ...
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Black flame
The third book in the series is a direct continuation of the previous one. As the story of the planet Warr unfolds as it should, and the heroes try to avert the impending war, the novel introduces many new characters whose fates will be fully revealed in the following volumes of the series, mainly in the book "Red Dragon" ...
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Battle for the future
The place of action is the planet Warr, the time of action is several years after the end of the events of "Black Flame". The reader learns about the further fate of many heroes and for the first time gets acquainted with the red dragon Wing, who will soon change the whole history of the planet ...
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Red Dragon
The story of Wing, the last surviving dragon in the war, was captured and tortured for many years. An amazing chance saves him shortly before his execution, and so begins the story of the Dictator, an omnipotent magician, whose immeasurable strength brought only grief and pain to the owner ...
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rock base
A dark dystopia set in the dimension where Drachia remained, parallel to the events of Black Sun Rising. The reader will learn how Hayate ended up in ancient Japan, the circumstances surrounding her birth, and will get a general idea of the world of the Dictators, where the events of all subsequent books will develop from now on ...
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The Law of Preservation of Life
One of the best things I've written. It has almost nothing to do with the cycle, except that the main character is Wolf Arrstar from Wrath of the Dragon, and the action takes place against the backdrop of the events of Foundation of the Rock. This is my first 100% sci-fi work based not on story adventures but on a scientific hypothesis...
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Control shot
Dynamic combat fantasy about dragons, directly continuing the story "The Law of the Preservation of Life" (familiarity with the story is necessary, otherwise you will not understand anything in the novel). ...
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East of Eden
...One thousand five hundred years ago, a terrible Enemy destroyed almost all human colonies in the Galaxy. The remnants of humanity found their last refuge on the distant planet Tegom, having lost almost all the achievements of their ancestors. However, having lost scientific knowledge, people have acquired many amazing abilities. Strange, frightening children began to be born ...
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Time for dragons
Two novels about a dragon named Shadow, who gets from the highly developed, technological world of Drakia to a gloomy medieval country where everyone is terribly afraid of dragons, because many centuries ago, one extremely powerful dragon almost destroyed their world ...
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The dictators are back, so much so that the thunder of their mighty tread will shake all the foundations! Welcome to a fast-paced, action-packed, spy-grand-mystery story featuring almost all of my dragons...
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Where there are no birds
The reader will travel to the 23rd century AD, under the surface of Venus. The crew of the research station "Phoenix" is studying strange crystals that allow you to mentally "observe" events that took place millions of years ago ...
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A sci-fi short story from the Dictators series. One of my best, and definitely the lightest...
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birds of paradise
Classic, 100% science fiction, in the good old Clark and Asimov style. About dragons, of course. The story is markedly different from my other books and is more intellectual than adventure fiction. Published in the magazine "If" ...
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The short story "Israel" was written as a pamphlet against A. Sapkowski's series "The Witcher". I gave the story such an unusual name, wanting to draw an analogy with the human "Promised Land", only this time the persecuted people are no longer people ...
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Chinese box and dragons in daisies
Comic story from the cycle "Dictators" ...
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