Sometimes on the Web you can find a gem that can deliver real pleasure, or a fun text that you want to share with others ... And sometimes I myself create something that does not fall into ready-made categories. Therefore, welcome to the Dragon Treasury, which contains pearls found on the Web or created by your obedient servant.

Draco: "Debating Rules"
DISCUSSION RULES - a few playful tips on how to argue in forums and chats. Written by me, based on a huge personal experience ...

Peter Anspach: "The Code of the Evil Lord"
THE CODE OF THE EVIL LORD is a unique, wonderful and very funny set of rules that lists the innumerable mistakes and stupidities that `villains` in films and books constantly make.

V. R. Dolnik: "The nature of power"
An amazingly smart, useful and truly fascinating scientific book written by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor V.R. Dolnik. It is recommended to those who believe that people are "the creation of God" or "the crown of evolution." You will learn a lot, I guarantee

Lumental: "Warrior Dragon"
The wonderful role-playing game Warrior Dragon may seem like a relic of the past - its graphics are vividly reminiscent of the days of 16-bit game consoles like Sega. But appearance is not the main thing here. This game seemed to be made by myself, so its plot is close to the main idea of all my books. The hero, a young dragon-warrior, has to save the peaceful cities of his people from hunters who mercilessly exterminate the winged tribe. Along the way, he must free the dragons kidnapped by hunters, find the underground city where his long-lost father is languishing in captivity, overcome many obstacles and save the entire dragon race. Amazing game - the first one in many years that impressed me so much that I played it several times ...

Chris Fischer: "Of Mice and Mayhem - Total Edition"
"Of Mice and Mayhem - Total Edition" is my gift to all graphic novel lovers. Chris Fisher's wonderful comic is presented here in color and monochrome English, monochrome Russian, and also - I have collected Chris Fisher's art from all over the Web, including concepts for the continuation of the comic, portraits of heroes "in the future", illustrations and even small individual comics on the topic. The archive size exceeds 300 MB.

Sanspeak: "Agro"
"Agro" - Absolutely wonderful, delightful comic book about dragons! The author, Sanspeak, has been drawing him for years... Once upon a time, I wrote him reviews for each new page 🙂 The comic is insanely interesting and very "dragonian". I highly recommend to everyone! The archive size exceeds 300 MB.