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Dragon's Wrath

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The first and main book of the Dictators series, the history of Drakia began with it. The novel tells about the flight of a research starship to the planet Rynn, which is very similar to the well-known fantasy fans Krynn. Only, this time, the eyes of dragons will follow the eternal battle of light and darkness. Eyes full of pain and bitterness

  • 01. Written by: 1998-1999
  • 02.Type: Novel
  • 03. Genre: Science fiction
  • 04. Volume: 32 a. l, 1 249 325 zn.
  • 05. Issued: Yes, in two volumes, 2000-2001
  • 06. Publisher: "Centerpolygraph"
  • 07.ISBN-10: 522701034X
  • 08. Number of pages: 458 + 473
  • 09. Language: Russian


The first and main book of the cycle "Dictators", the story of Drakia began with it. The novel tells about the flight of a research starship to the planet Rynn, very similar to the well-known fantasy fans Krynn. Only, this time, the eternal battle of light and darkness will be followed by the eyes of dragons. Eyes full of pain and bitterness ... The novel was published in two volumes in the autumn of 2000, received the award "Best Debut"at the convention"Star Bridge 2001".

...So, we are flying to the planet of dragons, griffins and dwarves, humans and giants, where mages work magic in black towers, and elves play elegant songs... But not the one you just thought of.

Thus begins the tale of the ancient world of Rynn, where the Dictators arose and became themselves. Novel "Dragon's Wrath" tells about the very beginning of the Age of Dictators - when the future rulers of the Galaxy were only young dragons who knew nothing about their future fate.
"Wrath of the Dragon" covers the time period from 70,000 years before the birth of the first Dictator - to the Cataclysm and subsequent events, ending approximately three hundred years before the birth of Wing Demon (novel "Red Dragon").
In 2000, Wrath of the Dragon was published in two volumes under the titles "Right to rage"(first volume) and"Dragon's Wrath".

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  • Create Date February 1, 2023
  • Last Updated March 2, 2023
Dragon's Wrath

Cycle "Dictators" February 1, 2023
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Cycle "Dictators" February 8, 2023
Cycle "Dictators" February 8, 2023
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stories, Cycle "Dictators" February 8, 2023
stories, Cycle "Dictators" February 8, 2023
Cycle "Dictators" February 8, 2023
Cycle "Dictators" February 8, 2023
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    13 отзывов про “Гнев Дракона
    • klon

      I have read many different books before: science fiction, classical literature, non-fiction, etc. But these are the works that I want to reread. These works are saturated with the emotions of the author and great sympathy for the heroes of the books.
      Reading these books, you want to empathize with its heroes - you feel their grief as your own, you rejoice with them. It is such works that awaken a craving for life, freedom, kindness, for all those feelings that are sleeping in many of us, but you don’t understand what crawls out. Perhaps, although it is unlikely, but sooner or later we will finally deserve the light at the end of this tunnel. These are the best works I have ever read. In general, thanks for the work!

    • Jessika

      A book from the Must read cycle ^_~

    • Jef-F

      The comment system is fine 😉

    • ndr

      Hmm.. not immediately found how to add a comment)

    • Tander

      The site is good, but you don't think about the readers at all. Firstly, the books are packed in rar, for unpacking which you need to install an unpacking program, which simply does not exist for many devices (the same cellular ones, for example). At the same time, zip is perfectly perceived, many readers have the ability to read books directly from the archive. Next is the format of the book itself. The standard for e-books is fb2. But earlier, I remember, books were in txt - this is also acceptable. But html… Why? Many people read books using special readers, and many readers simply do not support the html format. As a result, your site as a source of books is completely useless - I had to go to and download books from there, because they are stored there in zip in fb2 format, and there you can download all the books at once.
      Summarizing all of the above, I advise you to translate the books into txt or fb2, pack them into zip and give meaningful names to the archives, but so that the books go in order of priority. IMHO this is more important than the new design.

    • Umnicopitec

      The books are engaging and easy to read, they have a vivid style and a fairly strong plot. In general, it is interesting to watch how the author fills his hand and writes better each time. I really liked the second novel from The Dictators, just super. Whereas I could not read the “Red Dragon”))).

      Now I want to apologize, because slippers will fly further. Criticism is very harsh, almost on the verge of trollism. Please do not get angry, do not get upset, everything written below is purely my IMHO. But especially impressionable fans are better off not reading))).

      Lots of American. Lots of direct borrowing. When you read, you think: he took it from there, this from there, and then from here. They are inserted into the work almost in its original form and are striking.
      A lot of pathos in unnecessary places. In general, a lot of pathos. Because of him, the drama turns out to be feigned.
      The author is trying to teach something, to impose his opinion. Seriously, it looks like it was written by a teenager. It seems that this teenager is desperately trying to pass for smart, talking about “smart” things, presenting his reasoning as revelations. Although, to be honest, they don’t even smell like a serious philosophy. It looks very stupid.
      Even the fact that the author is a techie is hard to believe - the technologies are described in the worst Western traditions. This is rather strange. Considering that the Internet with Wikipedia is at hand, and there should be a library in the city, gaps in erudition would be easy to fill.
      Once again, I apologize if some of the attacks seemed unreasonable, or unnecessarily harsh. ))

    • dzik

      this book, yes, interesting, but about the rest, I did not understand what was happening. You can read any book in any direction. They are not connected at all in place, the heroes, yes, the meaning, no, the memories of the heroes only tell about what happened. I read all the books as an independent work, in one they are not connected in my mind.

    • Эм... Тая?

      I have read many of your books, Draco. This one and Dragon's Wrath are my favorites. There is something attractive about them. When you read you feel the pain that Wing felt, you feel it like it's happening to YOU. You feel a certain euphoria.
      Z.Y. One of those books that you can read endlessly and never get bored.

    • Эммм...а...

      Am I the only one who feels like the book is not finished??? Interesting book with a twisted ending

    • Александр

      I have read your works from the Dictators series. I really liked it, you are an incredibly talented writer. Thank you for your labors.

    • Дмитрий

      You are right Draco. Your books are not worth the money. They are immeasurably more expensive.

    • Денис

      In the early 2000s, by chance I got the book "Wrath of the Dragon" - since then I have three favorite writers - Robert Asprin, Harry Harrison and Draco Lockhart! Keep it up ! And Happy Year of the Dragon!

    • Юрий

      I follow your work with pleasure, I like it very much, can I have an email 🙂?

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