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Beauties and the Beasts

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A very dark and cruel thing. Tells about a lonely young dragon who was stranded on a desert island as a child and grew up reading human novels. Dreaming of knights

  • 01. Written by: 2005
  • 02.Type: Tale
  • 03. Genre: fantasy
  • 04. Volume: 164114 char.
  • 05. Issued: Yes, in the collection.
  • 09. Language: Russian


A very dark and cruel thing. Tells about a lonely young dragon who was stranded on a desert island as a child and grew up reading human novels. Dreaming of knights

My darkest fantasy tale is about a dreamer who meets reality. Or about reality meeting a dreamer. Or about the unreality that dreamed of becoming a reality... One way or another, the dreams did not come true. None.
This is a sad story, although at first it may seem otherwise. I consider Beauty and the Beast to be my success, but I don't think I'll ever read it again. Too much ... She came out close to reality.

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  • File Size 910 kb
  • File Count 4
  • Create Date March 2, 2023
  • Last Updated March 2, 2023
Beauties and the Beasts

Out of cycles March 2, 2023
Out of cycles March 2, 2023
Out of cycles March 2, 2023
Out of cycles March 2, 2023
Out of cycles March 2, 2023
Out of cycles March 2, 2023
Out of cycles March 2, 2023
Out of cycles March 2, 2023
Out of cycles March 2, 2023
Out of cycles March 2, 2023
Out of cycles March 2, 2023
Out of cycles March 2, 2023
Out of cycles March 2, 2023
    5 отзывов про “Красавицы и чудовища
    • Ruby D. Alex

      Very impressed, really!
      Usually, when I read, I sometimes daydream, imagining what I would do if I got into that world *roll eyes* So here, I unwittingly wanted to meet Adam before other people got to the island..

      ===Attention! Spoiler!===
      At first you read, like 2 storylines, and in theory there should be a good ending. But it turned out that the second storyline is the representation of the dragon and this world is not what it seems to the prince. You suddenly realize that the end would have turned out bad anyway ..
      ===end spoiler)===

      Yeah, I was so impressed that I even dreamed about it recently. (True, I read it about a month ago) And probably, after reading this story, I finally designed my anthro-dragon fursona, my image ^^ (it would be necessary to translate and color it into digital form)

    • Yarviga

      Strong, tragic, hopeless. I really liked the story, first of all, because in it the author reveals a topic that is very close to me - how terrible a person is with his stereotypes and xenophobia, how much hatred fear can generate, how imperfect the real world is. I think that for all its bleakness, an already impressive story could have been more impressive if there had been more realism in it. Such works should touch, make you think not only about how monstrous human ignorance is, but also about how it can be eradicated. And the incentive to fix something appears only when it really terrifies something. It's great that there are books like this - they help to feel this horror of reality, from which even the beautiful dreamer Adam could not escape in his own pure world. Many thanks to the author for such food for very sad thoughts.

    • Nokardashim

      I agree, stupid game.
      Heroes 4 is much better

    • Verandy

      Mdya, now I can’t play Heroes for a long time. Who knows, maybe one of the dragons will be the Dictator, locked on the other side of the screen?

    • Диана

      Good day 🙂
      To be honest, I don't even know if the Author will read this))
      I want to thank you for your creativity. This is the most vivid thing I have ever read.
      In general, I take little of what is written seriously, it is not typical for me. But I was surprised by the empathy experienced when reading these particular works. Heroes, dragons - they are completely alive, feeling, thinking, endlessly searching. You become part of their search, you perceive each pain described on paper surprisingly closely.
      It is a great art to write SO!

      In general, I read the Dictators cycle a long time ago, but the desire to express my thoughts has matured only now)
      This is truly the most emotional work I have ever read.
      I thank the Author for this.

      ps Regarding the "Ninth Line" - this is an amazing story! How I would like it to be a prologue to a whole series of books about M'rha, the Shadow and other heroes 🙂

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