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Shadows and Dust

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Fantastic novel "Shadows and Dust". What does "fantastic" mean? Well, it's "fantastic" because the plot and adventures on 100% correspond to science fiction (and have little to do with fairy tales), and "fabulous" because all the characters there are sentient talking animals

  • 01. Written by: 2008
  • 02.Type: Novel
  • 03. Genre: fairy tale fantasy
  • 04. Volume: 555 433 characters
  • 05. Issued: No
  • 09. Language: Russian


Fantastic novel "Shadows and Dust". What does "fantastic" mean? Well, it's "fantastic" because the plot and adventures on 100% correspond to science fiction (and have little to do with fairy tales), and "fabulous" because all the characters there are intelligent talking animals and, although mice do not blush in reality, but Chipmunks don't have eyebrows to frown - the characters in the novel have all this (and much more). They are intertwined with both human and "animal" features, so do not be surprised - there was no pursuit of "realism" here.

You are looking at a white spot. Your thoughts are blurred, your emotions are suppressed. You look at the white spot and understand: you are being judged.
Judgment cannot be avoided. Don't fool the judges. After all, they are part of you, they live in your mind and ruthlessly, impartially evaluate the soul. White spot? But only? No. The eyes capture the reflected photons, but the brain collects the picture from them. What do you think about when you see a white spot? What does your painting look like? Do you understand that the sentence depends on her?
To some, the spot seems to be an exit from the tunnel to light and happiness. They will be justified. For some, it will remind you of snow, games, joy. They will be honorably released.
But there are those who look deeper. Who remembers the eternal damnation of the wise - to believe not in their own eyes, but in knowledge. They are well aware that not only snow is white, and in the world there is a flame so bright that the cities, scorched by it, manage to leave only a bright silhouette, a white spot in the middle of a dead desert.
Ask yourself: can a shadow be white? And if, before answering “no,” you think even for a moment - even for an infinitesimal fraction of a moment - know that you are condemned.
From now until death you are an adult.

This novel can be considered an attempt to escape ...

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  • File Size 2593 kb
  • File Count 4
  • Create Date March 2, 2023
  • Last Updated March 2, 2023
Shadows and Dust

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    5 отзывов про “Тени и Пыль
    • Semster

      Вещь "чтобы подумать"...
      "- Иногда мы так теряем друзей, - сказала она тихо. - Превратившись в кого-то иного, не в дракона, легко вместе с формой утратить и разум, стать чуждым крылатому народу. Лишь в самых крайних случаях, при смертельной опасности, дракон может принять не родной ему облик."

    • Semster

      " -Нет, - Линг слабо улыбнулся. - Тебе нужна золотистая мышь, что сидит на его роге. " (и далее по тексту...)
      Это не намёк на "супер мышей" из "Горизонта событий" ?

    • T-Rex

      If you really delved into this story, delved into it, found the meaning, then you probably wouldn’t be delirious here. Do you think that this story is just an unrealistic story about talking animals and vampires from outer space? If so, you are stupid.
      On this topic. I am reading this story for the fifth time. And still I can not moderate my joy that I learned about him from my forum member. I didn't even know that our site has such a miracle that can give odds to BCH (Draco will understand).
      Конечно, начало не слишком легко читать, потому-что пролог наполнен научными терминами. А в остальном "Тени и пыль" получился великолепным, просто фееричным! И я даже закрыл глаза на то, что рассказ не соответствует канону сериала. Хотя, может, этого и не планировалось делать? Не уверен,что Драко когда-нибудь увидит этот комментарий, но: СПАСИБО ЗА ЭТОТ РАССКАЗ! =)

    • Semster

      It's kind of overloaded here 🙁:
      *- Мы все драконы. Смена вида куда труднее, чем кажется, и влечет много опасностей - если принять чуждую тебе форму, легко потерять себя, утратить душу. Даже позабыть, кто ты на самом деле... - драконесса опустила голову.
      /* In terms of semantics, it is absolutely repeated, and maybe it was even better to start with this: */
      - Иногда мы так теряем друзей, - сказала она тихо. - Превратившись в кого-то иного, не в дракона, легко вместе с формой утратить и разум, стать чуждым крылатому народу.
      /*< This is a dragon speaking, with minimal "dragon experience"!*/
      /*А родители её приняли иную форму не в случае опасности...:
      Only in the most extreme cases, in mortal danger, the dragon can take on a form that is not native to him.*

    • Александр

      Fantastic! One of my favorite stories about the Rescuers.
      Thanks a lot!

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