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Time for dragons

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Two novels about a dragon named Shadow, who gets from the highly developed, technological world of Drakia to a gloomy medieval country where everyone is terribly afraid of dragons, because many centuries ago, one extremely powerful dragon almost destroyed their world

  • 01. Written by: 1998-99
  • 02.Type: Dilogy
  • 03. Genre: fantasy
  • 04. Volume: 14 a. l., 545332 sign.
  • 05. Issued: No
  • 06. Language: Russian


Two novels about a dragon named Shadow, who gets from the highly developed, technological world of Drakia to a gloomy medieval country where everyone is terribly afraid of dragons, because many centuries ago, one extremely powerful dragon almost destroyed their world.

...and then the Dragon came into the world, and the world shuddered, and the rivers froze in horror, and birds fell from heaven, and the stars trembled in the terrified sky. And the Dragon roared, and from His roar the mountains collapsed, and the seas boiled from His gaze, and the forests caught fire from His breath. And where the Dragon looked - there was horror, but the horror was afraid of the Dragon, and fled from Him with a cry. And the Dragon looked at the sky, and the Sun was afraid of His gaze, and hid, trembling, in the depths of the Ocean. And there was no light in the world. Only the eyes of the Dragon shone with fire, and where He looked, there was fire, and rocks collapsed, and new mountains rose on the plains, and the earth trembled from the steps of the Dragon. And where he put his foot - the valley became, and where ...

On the distant planet Warlock, six Black Mages lost the war against humans. The last defenders of the citadel have fallen, and the troops of the victors are moving in a solemn march towards the Black Tower, bringing death to the vanquished.
However, those left a trump card in reserve, which they did not immediately decide to use even on the eve of death. The magicians tried to achieve peace by threatening the attackers with the death of the planet. However, the human army command refused to spare them. And then they decided - if you die, then die avenged.
So the Dragon returned to the world.

Dilogy "Time for Dragons"Written in fantasy style. The first book has almost nothing to do with the rest of the cycle, unlike the second, where almost all the characters take part"Wrath of the Dragon" And "Rock bases".

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  • Download 3764
  • File Size 1920 kb
  • File Count 4
  • Create Date February 8, 2023
  • Last Updated March 15, 2023
Time for dragons

stories, Cycle "Cenozoic" March 1, 2023
Cycle "Cenozoic" March 1, 2023
Cycle "Cenozoic" March 1, 2023
Cycle "Cenozoic" March 1, 2023
    3 отзывов про “Время для драконов
    • gohan

      Прекрасная книга.Определенно вошла в перечень моих любимых книг после первых же страниц.Зловещие маги, которые вместо ужасного дракона вызвали беднягу Тень, прямодушный Аспид,такой маленький и такой храбрый,благоро дный Варан(Однако же интересно смотрящий на чувства Тени), неразлучные эльф с грифоном ,гномы, строящие пушки.Все нашло место в этой сравнительно небольшой книжке.Но Как переживаешь за героев - ни в одной книге не чувствовал такого слияния с героями, не переживал так от их боли и страшной участи, не был так уверен в их доброте.Самые лучшие впечатления от прочитанной "в запой" книжки...

    • cteler

      Книга хоть и сложна в прочтении особенно вторая часть, но очень интересное спасибо автор. Жаль что она закончилась читал в упой. Было бы отлично если вы написали продолжение. Хоть и чувствуется законченость, но всё же...

    • Ghost

      An amazing book, and this has definitely been said more than once. Reading the last pages of this book, I felt an incomparable bitterness for Varan .. Strongly written, and even somehow cruel ..

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